Environmental Impacts of Poaching | 3-Way Joint Crisis

After Tanzania reached a crisis of poaching in 2014, the government stepped in to start an extremely successful crackdown on poaching and wildlife populations which had been significantly depleted have begun to bounce back. The element population went from a 60% decrease over the 5 years leading up to 2014 to a return 38% increase over the following 5 years. But the government can’t do it on its own. Citizens, Katavi National Park officials, members of the African Wildlife Foundation, and others banded together to bring about this success. As a member of the Tanzania Anti-Poaching Task Force (TAPTF) it is your job to continue this success. There will be challenges as technology evolves, the market for illegal animal goods becomes even more lucrative and you never know where corruption will come from and hinder your plans. Additionally, as a leader in anti-poaching in Africa, other countries will be looking to the TAPTF to provide help and guidance as all of Africa battles against illegal poaching.