International Shipping Floriculture Woes

Full of rich, volcanic soils and located along the equator, East Africa harbors ideal growing conditions for various cash and subsistence crops alike. One such good is cut flowers, whose annual exports have added nearly 1 billion USD to the economies of the region’s largest exporting nations. As such, the East African floriculture industry is one of the largest of its kind in the world and, as the globe continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s only expected to blossom even further. That said, the inner workings of the industry aren’t all roses, with numerous of the region’s most prominent floricultural firms engaging in practices that endanger the well-being of both the surrounding environment and their own workers. Given all this, delegates are expected to weigh the short-term gains earned from present practices against those from potential long-term ones geared toward systemic regulation and reform, all to ensure that the industry will continue to grow in a profitable, yet sustainable manner.