Independent Crisis

The African Court on Human Rights is a continental court that ensures human rights for all people in Africa. Essentially, it reinforces the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights by functioning as a court that hears cases relating to human rights abuses across Africa, maintaining equity across the continent. The court functions independently of all African states, NGOs, government agencies, or individuals. One of the most famous and groundbreaking cases heard by the African Court on Human Rights is in their advocacy for the assassinated investigative journalist Norbert Zongo, in which they held the country of Burkina Faso accountable in their failure to prosecute and hold a fair trial. The African Court on Human Rights has heard and ruled on several other cases that have significantly impacted access to journalism and the protection of the free media, as well as other human rights issues. Delegates on the African Court on Human Rights would stimulate hearings similar to the real cases in the Court today, getting an opportunity to experience the Court and prosecute on landmark human rights cases.